Digital Design and E-Books

Once you have downloaded the designs or e-books, there is no return. Please contact me at: if you have any questions. If you are unable to download the products after purchase, please contact me immediately, and I will assist you.


Colors may vary depending on the printer, paper, or printing service you use.


You may print the designs and e-books for personal use or as a gift to others. You may not resell, share, or use them commercially.

Our Terms and Conditions for Digital and Physical Courses

Digital courses include e-learning courses and live-streamed courses. Subscriptions to digital courses involve purchasing a certain number of live-streamed courses per year. Physical courses refer to hotel courses, seminars, professional days, and conferences.

Terms and Conditions for Digital Courses, Physical Courses, and Subscription to Digital Courses

Physical courses refer to hotel courses, seminars, professional days, and conferences. Digital courses include e-learning courses and live-streamed courses. Subscription to digital courses involves purchasing a number of live-streamed courses per year.

Privacy Statement

Our privacy statement is available here:

General Participation in Digital and Physical Courses

These terms and conditions, along with the order confirmed through an order confirmation, constitute the entire agreement for the purchase. The terms and conditions are considered accepted upon purchase.

The registration deadline is stated in the individual course descriptions. Late registrations may be accepted if there are available slots. When registering for open or digital courses, the registered participant will be created as a user on our learning portal:

Shortly after ordering, the purchaser will receive an order confirmation. Each participant will receive a registration confirmation with information about the learning portal. In cases where the course is held at a specific time, participants will typically receive an email reminder a few days before the course starts.

Refreshments are included only as specified in the course description. Refreshments are not included in digital courses.

Invoices are normally sent 5 – 10 days before the course date. Any accommodation costs are separate and settled directly with the hotel.

Course certificates can be downloaded from the learning portal after completing the course.

Booking Courses for Others – and Receiving Courses Booked by Others

If you book courses for others or more than yourself, an invitation will be sent to these participants via email. Participants must create a user account in the course portal and confirm their registration themselves. When activating courses booked by others, such as employers, each user agrees that the purchaser can generate reports showing the user’s progress in the courses. These reports will display statistical information about individual users’ progress in the courses and should only be used for that purpose, i.e., for the purchaser to monitor and manage users’ participation in courses. The purchaser pays for the number of courses included in the booking. Course fees are not refundable even if one or more participants do not activate their course registration. For more information on course cancellations, please refer to the relevant section.

Course Cancellation

Registration is binding. In the case of cancellations for open and live-streamed courses, this must be done in writing and received by Ayla Nordic at least 14 days before the course start date. Course fees are refunded in case of illness upon presentation of a sick note. You can transfer your course place to a colleague.

Cancellation of Courses

Open and live-streamed courses may be canceled or changed by Ayla Nordic. In the event of cancellation, the course fee will be refunded. Any cancellation will be notified at least 14 days before the course start date. Ayla Nordic is not responsible for the purchaser’s / participant’s potential financial losses in connection with cancellation, including expenses for travel and accommodation.

Change of Course Leader/Speaker

Ayla Nordic reserves the right to change the scheduled course leader and speaker without prior notice to participants.


Some of our open courses are filmed and sold as digital courses, either live-streamed or as recordings. We only film the course leader and the screen with the presentation. By participating in such a course, you accept that you may be filmed and become visible to those who view the course in the live-streamed version or as a sold recording. Course participants are responsible for taking measures not to appear on camera. As a participant in a physical course, it is possible that you may still appear in the video if you sit or move in front of the camera.

Course Presentation

Course presentation is protected by copyright law and marketing law. All rights to course documentation belong to Ayla Nordic and/or our partners. According to applicable legislation and these terms, it is prohibited to copy, display, distribute, or otherwise disseminate course documentation to others. Registering for a course and paying the course fee does not authorize the use of course documentation for purposes other than the participant’s own use.

Rights, Defects, Complaints, and Remedies

Ayla Nordic owns and retains all rights to the product/service. The customer may not sell, rent, lend, or otherwise transfer access to others. The customer may not copy, modify, adapt, create derivative works of, or otherwise unlawfully exploit the product/service. The customer may use the material found in the products internally, such as forms, etc.

Ayla Nordic disclaims any liability for indirect or incidental loss or damage caused by the customer’s use of the product/service. Indirect or incidental loss includes, but is not limited to, the customer’s loss of profits of any kind, loss of customers, loss due to operational interruptions, loss of earnings, and claims from third parties. Ayla Nordic’s liability shall in any case be limited to the documented financial loss that could reasonably have been foreseen as a foreseeable consequence, and is in any case limited to the total consideration excluding value-added tax for the product/service in the last year.

In case the customer wishes to claim a breach of the agreement, written notice must be given promptly after the customer became aware of or should have become aware of the matter.

If payment is not made, the customer’s right to use the product/service will expire.

If the performance of the agreement is wholly or partly prevented or substantially impeded by circumstances beyond Ayla Nordic’s control and which the company could not reasonably have taken into account at the time of the agreement or avoided or overcome the consequences of, Ayla Nordic’s obligations are suspended for as long as the circumstances last.

Specifically About Digital Courses

When registering for digital courses, the registered participant will be created as a user and provided access to the course on our learning portal, Access to digital courses (e.g., e-learning and live-streamed courses) is personal and should not be transferred to others. Access is valid for 6 months from the date of the live-streamed event or 6 months from the order date for e-learning and microlearning, unless otherwise specified on the product itself. This should be checked.

Participants will receive instructions on how to access the course via email shortly after registration. If the purchaser is not the same as the user, access is only granted to named users, who are individuals defined by the purchaser. Persons who are not registered are not allowed to participate in courses and should not be given access to the course material. Public presentation of

a Nordic før du starter de digitale kursene. Når du har startet et kurs, belastes full pris. 

Disse spesielle avtalebetingelsene gjelder for avtale om tilgang til et antall digitale kurs i løpet av en 12 måneders periode. 

Ayla Nordic bestemmer hvilke kurs som til enhver tid inngår i abonnementsordningen, herunder antallet kurs og innhold og varighet av det enkelte kurs.

Kursene kan sees i opptak et ubegrenset antall ganger i 6 mnd. etter direktesending/avholdelse. Etter utløp av 6 måneders perioden, er kurset ikke lenger tilgjengelig. (Dersom ikke annet er oppgitt- Enkelte kurs har livslang tilgang – eller tilgang så lenge kurset er tilgjengelig.

Bruksrett til det enkelte produkt/tittel er knyttet til en bestemt person hos kunden. Overdragelse av bruksretten til annen person hos kunden eller tredjemann er kun tillatt etter forutgående skriftlig avtale med Ayla Nordic. Bruker-id og passord er personlige og må ikke deles med andre. Ayla Nordic forbeholder seg retten til å registrere hvem som bruker produktet til enhver tid.

Kunden plikter å gi Ayla Nordic melding om endringer i relevant informasjon som omorganisering, kontaktperson, postadresse, e-post adresse, fakturareferanse og lignende, i god tid før hovedforfall.


The right to use the product is valid for the specified period up to the main expiration of the subscription, defined at the time of purchase. The subscription is automatically renewed annually for twelve (12) months each time, unless either party terminates the agreement in writing at least three (3) months before the main expiration. New courses are added during the upcoming subscription period.

The customer, with Ayla Nordic’s consent, may change the user of the subscription if there are valid reasons for doing so, such as when a user leaves their job. Changing the user can be done by contacting customer service.

The customer commits to paying the annual subscription fee in advance before the invoice due date. Prices may be changed by Ayla Nordic once per calendar year. The new price applies from the renewal of the subscription.

If Ayla Nordic provides services beyond the scope of the subscription, as outlined in Ayla Nordic’s product description and these terms, such services shall be billed according to Ayla Nordic’s prevailing hourly rates.

Upon termination of the agreement, the right to use the product/service also ceases.

Any changes to the terms will be communicated to the customer at least 30 days before the new terms come into effect.

The customer may not transfer their rights and obligations under the subscription agreement to others without prior written consent from Ayla Nordic. Such consent is required even if the transfer occurs as part of a merger with another company (fusion) or a division of the company (division). Ayla Nordic cannot refuse the transfer of the agreement without a valid reason. Ayla Nordic may transfer its rights and obligations under the agreement to a third party with liberating effect for itself.

Otherwise, the terms under “General Participation in Open and Digital Courses” and “Specifically About Digital Courses” apply.


Norwegian law shall apply. Any disputes arising in connection with agreements for open courses, digital courses, and subscriptions to digital courses shall be sought to be resolved through negotiations. If negotiations do not succeed, the case shall be settled by the regular courts located in the place in Norway where Ayla Nordic has its headquarters.

Learning Portal

When you order a course from Ayla Nordic, you also receive a user access to our learning portal, where you can find information about the course, course presentations, digital resources, etc. Here, you will also gain access to free information relevant to you and your field of work.